Monday, January 17, 2011

for all you mamas out there...

Quick Question....

I have my next appointment coming up next week and I have to turn in some paper to my doctor. The paper consists of signing off if I want or don't want to have certain tests given. I have the option to get the following tests done...

- Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Testing
- First Trimester Screening
- Quadruple Testing
- Amniocentesis or CVS Test

Now here is my question.... how many of you soon-to-be mama's or current mama's had these tests done? I am completely in the dark here and would LOVE some input. As much research that I could do, I still feel that I'm in the dark about it all.

So can you help me out by letting me know what you did? :)



Jacci said...

I didn't have any of these tests done, at least not that I can remember. My doctor assured me I was young and healthy and didn't feel I needed them. I don't even know what the first trimester screening is? I know a few people who did the cystic fibrosis test though. Just do what your gut tells you.

Gabby Malcuit said...

I'll be honest. I don't remember which tests I had done and which ones I didn't. I do know that they took my blood a few times.

I also know that I didn't have an amniocentesis or CVS (I'm sure I'd remember if I did).

Mindy said...

Hey girl,
I didn't get any of those tests done. My doctor said since I don't have a family history of any of those things and I'm young then I shouldn't be at risk. I think it's a personal decision, but you probably don't need any of them. Hope this helps :)

Katie @ Chronicles of KT said...

I did the Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Testing and First Trimester Screening. If something were wrong it would not have changed my mind about the pregnancy in any sense but if there was something going to be wrong I would have liked to know so I could make the proper preparations and gather as much info as I could have prior to the birth. As well as knowing what further things would have needed to be monitored during my pregnancy

Anonymous said...

First of all I am SOOO excited for you! I ran into your mom at church and I could tell she was beyond pumped too! About the genetic testing. We gave it some thought, but in the end would do nothing differently if the tests came back positive, and if you don't have any of the risk factors, or family history that could lead to these disorders I would say just avoid the trouble.

My doctor said that in some rare cases these tests can cause damage or harm to the baby so you want good reason to do it. That totally may or may not be true, but she convinced me to not do it :) Hope that helps!!


The Crazy Castros said...

I had the triple screen done and twice they told me my babes had a high risk of having Down's. I was not going to do the amnio ( we were aware of the possibilities of a loss w amnio) and we were not going to risk the pregnancy. Here is what my friend ( best OB in the world) Dr C says...what will u ultimately do w results????just something to think about. Sorry if I confused you more:(
Helen C

Unknown said...

Every test that they offered I took. My insurance had great maternity coverage so I didn't have to pay anything out of pocket towards them. I wanted to know ahead of time if there were going to be any problems.

Unknown said...

I did every test they was offered to me. We wanted to know if there were any problems so that we could address them ahead of time if we needed too. If you have any questions dont hesitate to ask.