Friday, December 5, 2008

dr. appt, new blog header and house update

I went to the Doctor on Wednesday. They did an EKG and they said everything looked fine. I will be going back for a chest x-ray along with blood work. I am not looking forward to the blood work- I do not like needles in any way shape or form! ( funny thing is I have a tattoo and my belly button pierced ? ) Anyway, we are doing a process of elimination right now.

Last night I was have very bad chest pains. I usually get them after I eat which means I probably have acid reflux times 100,000,000. I've never had this bad of chest pains before so its kinda scary. I am very scared to eat food, not any specific food, but food in general. I almost don't even want to eat.... oh wait, that will never happen, I love food too much.

Please continue to pray for me as more tests are being done. I am hoping it's just acid reflux, which can be treated.


In other news, you like my new blog header? I wasn't sure how I felt about the whole " themed" blog headers but I decided to do one and I actually LOVE IT! It is quite addicting to say the least.


I must say, I LOVE THIS COLD WEATHER! I wish it were like this EVERYDAY! I really wanna live somewhere where it has 4 seasons, you know, like -fall, winter, spring and summer. You see, Houston really doesn't have 4 seasons, it sucks. Brandon and I won't be relocating anytime soon since we will be building our house soon. Speaking of our house, we will be picking a mortage company this weekend so we can get the ball rolling with the mortage approval process. We have a "studio" appointment Dec. 9 which is orientation. We will get to start the process of picking things out for our house. We then will pick another date to finalize everything. Once everything is set in stone, they will break ground and start building. I'm going to say that Jan. will be the start month. :)


Well, I'm at my parents house and I need to head back home, Brandon gets off work at 11:00pm tonight. I'll probably be in bed by then.... sorry Brandon!

Night Night everyone!


JD said...

love the blog look its so fancy now!! and take care of that chest...acid reflux time 100,000,000 is no joking matter. are you pregnant? cuz that's what it feels like to me when im like 8 months along. jk

Jacqs said...

My parents are hear to see the new baby and I was showing them your blog. My dad thinks he knows your husband, b/c he looks familiar. He didnt go to clements did he? Where did yall meet?

Kris n CJ said...

Love the header, way cute! I hope everything gets straightened out with your chest pains. That's way scary. My prayers are with you girl. BTW congrats on the house. SO EXCITING!!! It's going to be fun when we visit and ya'll are neighbors.
Love ya

Lynn said...

Oh goodness my child! Acid reflux is not fun and it is very confusing as it is similiar to cardiac pains. But, much easier to deal with, trust me. They treat it pretty much like an ulcer medication, I think. I take NEXIUM....ask about it because it is a MIRACLE for the reflux pains. I hope it gets better. I was sort of with JD though....I wish you were pregnant!