Saturday, December 22, 2007

so excited!

I don't have much to write about except for the fact that I leave for NYC in 4 days!!!! We have an early flight on Christmas day and the minute we land and get our luggage and rental car we are headed to Cooperstown, NY to see the baseball hall of fame. After a day and a 1/2 in Cooperstown we head back to NYC and spend the rest of the vacation sight seeing, shopping, eating, eating, and more eating, and experiencing NYC!

This will be probably be my last post until I get back from my vacay. I will be posting A LOT of pictures!

I hope everything has a blessed and Merry Christmas and an even better New Year!!!!


Anonymous said...

i'm too lazy to sign in.. but i hope you have an awesome and safe trip!!

can't wait for picks!!

The Doty's Dish said...

Y'all be careful, have fun, and bring me back something cute!
Just kidding.

Unknown said...

i want to see some pics!!! love you k-anna-banana :)

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