Wednesday, January 14, 2009

a few things as of late....

1. My new position is slowly getting better :)
2. It's been cold lately and I.LOVE.IT!
3. The 2nd Annual Zack Grafe Alumni Game was a success! I'll post pictures soon.
4. I still haven't started the 3rd book of the Stephenie Meyer series. I feel like I have been dis-loyal or something, haha.
5. I'm going to start reading it tonight.
6. I love TV lately because I get to see all of my fav. shows! Real World, The City, Jon and Kate plus 8, The Bachelor, American Idol.....
7. Next Thursday my mom and I are going to see Kate from Jon and Kate Plus 8 talk at a church in Houston, we are SUPER excited about this!
8. I've gotten to spend at least 3-4 days in a row with Brandon. Tonight starts the night of his closing shifts for the next 4 days :(
9. I really want go snowboarding for Spring Break in Colorado. I found 2 round trip tickets $390 TOTAL! That's 2 tickets for that cheap!
10. I am thinking about dying my hair brown.... ??????

That's it for now!