Tuesday, November 25, 2008

check us out!!!!

Please check out Danielle and I's new business called Sugar Spring Creations! Our website is sugarspringcreations@blogspot.com

We are super excited about out products and can't wait to start taking orders!

so check it out!!!!!!!!!


Valerie said...

kluv.. fix the link, baby...

you linked your email address...

sugarspringcreations.blogspot.com - that's better..

cool stuff!! i'll look into it further.. one of the managers is on internet patrol.. he keeps sneaking the hell up on me.. and i'm getting pissed.. like wtf.. don't you have work of your own to do!?!

anyway.. good luck on the business! looks like fun!

JD said...

cute cute cute!!! make me something! oh! oh! that was the longest blog i have ever seen. no really. and i'm pretty sure that we need to move down there with y'all tomorrow. y'all have way too much fun.

Kris n CJ said...

LOVE IT!! Way cute. You guys are doing a great job!