I don't have much to write about except for the fact that I leave for NYC in 4 days!!!! We have an early flight on Christmas day and the minute we land and get our luggage and rental car we are headed to Cooperstown, NY to see the baseball hall of fame. After a day and a 1/2 in Cooperstown we head back to NYC and spend the rest of the vacation sight seeing, shopping, eating, eating, and more eating, and experiencing NYC!
This will be probably be my last post until I get back from my vacay. I will be posting A LOT of pictures!
I hope everything has a blessed and Merry Christmas and an even better New Year!!!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
I have nothing to write about.....no exciting news my way. But I feel the need to post for some odd reason. Maybe because I am bored at work and I have nothing else to do? That is probably the reason. Here is a shout out to a few friends of mine who have blogs....Danielle- YO! when are you going to have a new post, I'm sick of reading that darn survery :) Tina ( Valerie)- I'm sick of seeing that darn survey too.JD- you are doing a great job of posting on a regular basis, so thank you. You keep me entertained :) Listen here people, I don't have a life right now and all I do is get on the computer during work and pass time, so humor me here. Entertain me. Enlighten me. I'm begging you. Haha, I sound desperate. A part of me is. Well, not totally. I'm just bored and I have every reason to be bored at work. All I do is sit behind a teacher's desk and look like I know what I'm doing. I read magazine after magazine, do a crossword puzzle here or there, and maybe I have a conversation with a student. ( they are toooo caught up in themselves) Speaking of crossword puzzles, I have really gotten into them. I am not entirely too good at them but they do pass time and I find them brain stimulating. I've been doing the ones in People Magazine, and OK! Magazine and a few other magazines. I find myself being a little embarrassed as students walk by and they see their 23 yr old substitute teacher( who gets confused for being a student) doing crossword puzzles. I kinda just place my hand over the page and act like I'm not doing anything.Growing up, I always saw my Nannie doing crossword puzzles and I had the same feelings for crossword puzzles as I did reading books. Stupid. Yep, I said stupid. I don't like to read unless its drama in celebrities lives, or maybe a good autobiography. But now, I see a whole new light on Crossword puzzles. You can definitely tell when you are getting older in age, you start to enjoy the things your parents and grandparents enjoy, haha.
So Christmas is almost here! Can you believe it? I sure as heck can't! With 70-80 degree weather its hard to believe it's December 14th. It's slowly getting cooler here in Sugar Land, but not like I would like it to be. I'll get my dose of cold weather in NYC. It's gonna be C-O-L-D! Get ready for me to post a bazillion pictures from that trip! :) Anyway, thats enough babbling for me.
Hope everyone is doing well!
So Christmas is almost here! Can you believe it? I sure as heck can't! With 70-80 degree weather its hard to believe it's December 14th. It's slowly getting cooler here in Sugar Land, but not like I would like it to be. I'll get my dose of cold weather in NYC. It's gonna be C-O-L-D! Get ready for me to post a bazillion pictures from that trip! :) Anyway, thats enough babbling for me.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
september 20, 2008
For those of you who don't know, which might be all of you who read my blog I have a new wedding date. Exciting, I KNOW! Brandon and I are getting married September 20, 2008. Now before I go on about the new wedding date I need to get a few things straight for those of you who were confused or heard rumors about my wedding plans.
My original wedding date was Nov. 17, 2007. Now, I have heard everything under the sun when Brandon and I changed the wedding date. Rumors were going around that the wedding was canceled or Brandon and I broke up. Where those rumors started I have NO IDEA but its always frustrating when rumors get started and they are clearly not true. Brandon and I have been engaged for almost 2 years, long time, I know. But as these 2 years have passed I really have been happy that we have been engaged for this long. So to all you speculators out there who doubted us, SHAME ON YOU because we are still together and happier than ever. Now back to the whole changing the wedding date issue. The reason why Brandon and I changed the date was because we both wanted to finish school first. Why we didn't think of that before we picked the first date, I don't know....maybe we were just excited about getting married so we jumped into things. Also, while planning the wedding I was going to school full-time, working full-time, and had other things going on in my life as well as Brandon's that were really stressing us out to the max. We wanted the wedding planning time to be fun, exciting, happy- although it was fun, exciting, and happy at times, it truly didn't feel like it was the right time. Being the adults we were , we decided the best thing for us was to push it back. Also, getting married on 11/17/07 we wouldn't of been graduated yet, no job security, no real income...pretty much nothing. We didn't want to rely on our parents for money or go through life as newlyweds living penny to penny. Brandon will be graduated this summer and unfortunately I won't be done till next December. I just had my audit for my major and I am getting screwed over on some credits that I have from ACU so that pushed me back another semester. I was very upset when I found this out but someone told me something that really helped me get through the anger. She said maybe it's meant to be for you to graduate Dec. 08, there has to be a reason why, you might not know why but to everything, there is a reason. So right now, I'm banking on " there is a reason why I am graduating Dec. 08". I'm trying to be optimistic, haha! Hopefully Brandon will get a position with a good company once he graduates and we can live closer to campus so I don't have to drive 30 mins everyday to class. So pray for Brandon as his college career comes to an end and he embarks on a new beginning of finding a job and working in the real world.
So for the wedding planning, everything is pretty much DONESKY! I have a dress, the church, the reception site, photographer, bridal portraits, engagement pictures, bridesmaid dresses, colors picked out... everything that plays a huge role in the wedding has been accomplished. I am now in the process of scoping out invitations and what not because that really is the only "big" thing left to take care of for the wedding, besides the guest list, which is going to be a huge issue, but oh well. I like to get a head start of things so I don't get stress, that is why I am already looking at invitations and all that stuff.
Brandon and I are happier than ever and I can't wait to be his wife and be able to have the name Kellianne Barron. Although September 20 seems SO FAR away, it's not. It will be here before I know it. I will keep everyone update on the wedding plans. I wish I could show you pictures of my dress and all that fun stuff but Brandon might read my blog so I better not disclose anything on here!
I'll leave you with one of my favorite engagement pictures of Brandon and I.

Thursday, December 6, 2007
what did i get myself into???
Substituting........what did I get myself into, seriously! The idea sounded GREAT for the longest time because it was a paid position, nothing to spectacular, like $75 a day, better than nothing right? ( considering I don't have a real job other than being a professional babysitter). So yes, the idea was great, UNTIL................... I HAVE TO START WAKING UP @ 5:30 AM EVERY MORNING! are you kidding me??????? I don't know about you guys but I LOVE MY SLEEP! I am not a morning person, never have been and NEVER will be -so getting up this early is entirely against the law in my book. Trying to function that early in the morning, YEAH RIGHT, COUNT ME OUT! Also, trying to put a smile on my face when I walk into Clements High School and see all the little "@#%#"heads I deal with is something that is definitely hard for me. I try to tell myself that life at this very moment it will get better because I try and think of the day going by fast but the day doesn't go by fast when you watch the clock tick and tock every second. So here are some things I'm dealing with while substituting......
1. I'm so bored that I check my email - oh maybe every 4 1/2 minutes.... I need to stop doing that!
2. The internet at school blocks myspace, facebook.....and really anything entertaining to look at.
3. I'm putting up with stupid little kids who have no respect for this world let alone themselves and they think they can run all over every person they encounter and I've had about enough of what I can take. The kids know I don't mess around....I'm on the verge of writing someone up real soon.
4. Teachers letting their kids do whatever the heck they want
5. I am running out of things to do while 50 mins pass.You would think that 50 mins would pass oh so fast but NOPE!
6. I HATE when kids complain to me about having to do vocabulary words or a little worksheet- I tell them.... I WOULD DIE for your assignments, try having to write a 20 page paper in college or take tests that are 100 questions long with 16 essays on them. These kids have it soooooo easy!
7. I'm sick of freshman! That's all I have subbed for has of late and I'm ready to move onto the older students. I thought with teaching freshmen they would behave and kinda be scared to be freshmen b/c HELLO...THEY'RE FRESHMEN! But no, they think they are cooler than the Seniors...OH PALEASE!
So the list could go on but I don't want to bore you. I also don't want you to think I am complaining because I am grateful that I do have a job that I am getting paid for. I'm just a little dis-grunted about a view things!
So there's my story and I'm sticking to it!
If you have any tips that I could take with me to work I would LOVE to hear them! :)
Hope everything is doing well...staying warm or in Houston's case staying cool in this weird weather.
Christmas is days away! WAHOOOO!!!
1. I'm so bored that I check my email - oh maybe every 4 1/2 minutes.... I need to stop doing that!
2. The internet at school blocks myspace, facebook.....and really anything entertaining to look at.
3. I'm putting up with stupid little kids who have no respect for this world let alone themselves and they think they can run all over every person they encounter and I've had about enough of what I can take. The kids know I don't mess around....I'm on the verge of writing someone up real soon.
4. Teachers letting their kids do whatever the heck they want
5. I am running out of things to do while 50 mins pass.You would think that 50 mins would pass oh so fast but NOPE!
6. I HATE when kids complain to me about having to do vocabulary words or a little worksheet- I tell them.... I WOULD DIE for your assignments, try having to write a 20 page paper in college or take tests that are 100 questions long with 16 essays on them. These kids have it soooooo easy!
7. I'm sick of freshman! That's all I have subbed for has of late and I'm ready to move onto the older students. I thought with teaching freshmen they would behave and kinda be scared to be freshmen b/c HELLO...THEY'RE FRESHMEN! But no, they think they are cooler than the Seniors...OH PALEASE!
So the list could go on but I don't want to bore you. I also don't want you to think I am complaining because I am grateful that I do have a job that I am getting paid for. I'm just a little dis-grunted about a view things!
So there's my story and I'm sticking to it!
If you have any tips that I could take with me to work I would LOVE to hear them! :)
Hope everything is doing well...staying warm or in Houston's case staying cool in this weird weather.
Christmas is days away! WAHOOOO!!!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
a NEW YORK state of mind!
I'm going to NEW YORK for Christmas!!!!!!!
My parents are amazing and they bought my whole family, including Brandon, plane tickets to New York for 7 days, this trip is all of our Christmas presents. How amazing is that? We are all so excited and can hardly wait to get there! We leave Christmas Day and come back New Years Day. I have been checking the weather lately in New York to see if it has been cold ( unlike crappy Houston, 78 degrees???) and today it is SNOWING in New York! So exciting, I hope it snows when we are there!
Below are pictures that I found on the internet to show some of you the places we will be going while on our vacay.
Sidenote: I am not about posting pictures that aren't my own on this blog thing but since I don't have any pictures YET of these places this it the best I could do. Enjoy!
Below are pictures that I found on the internet to show some of you the places we will be going while on our vacay.
Sidenote: I am not about posting pictures that aren't my own on this blog thing but since I don't have any pictures YET of these places this it the best I could do. Enjoy!

Radio City Music Hall
Now, of course we will be going other places than the ones I stated above. For example, the first day we arive in New York we are immediately driving to Cooperstown, New York to go spend a day and a 1/2 at the Baseball Hall of Fame ( that attraction is mainly for the boys, partially for me). We are also staying at a hotel in New Jersey so we will get to see some of NJ too! We will also be going to Little Italy, Soho, New York Stock exchange and many other places. We have 7 days so hopefully we will get to see eveything we want to see. Oh yeah, we will be going to see a Broadway Show.
So needless to say I am counting down the days till we go to New York. Ready to get out of Sugar Land and this gross hot weather!

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