Friday, November 25, 2011

Hodges Family Fun Photo Shoot

Say that title 10 times fast! That's a mouth full! :)

Meet the Hodges family!
Cliette, Lorelle, Preston, Peyton and Parker.

I had my first official photo shoot and I was excited about it. Cliette is Brandons cousin and when Lorelle text me to ask if I wanted to take photos, I immediately said yes. Who wouldn't want to take pictures of those cute boys??

So off to Oyster Creek Park we went. The weather was great, the lighting was even better and I think we got same great shots!

Cliette, Lorelle and boys, I am so glad I got to take some family pictures for ya'll. I love ya'll dearly and I hope you enjoy the pictures!


JD said...

What a fabulous photo shoot!!!