Warning- a lot of pictures for this post!
This weekend Brandon and I went to Abilene with some good friends to see some good friends. We had such a great time in the short amount of time we were there. Little sleep, lots of laughter, lots of baby time, plenty of food, and a lot of catching up. We love getting to hang out with Danni, Bryan, JD and Mitchell. We truly enjoyed ourselves and wished we didn't live so far away! Thanks JD, Mitchell and Jaxon for letting us crash in on your life this past weekend!
PS- There are a lot of pictures of Jaxon, I swear that I am not a baby stalker/paparazzi...it was just fun being able to take pictures of a sweet baby and write and post them on my blog.
This post will contain a lot of pictures, so enjoy!!!

After a long trip to Abilene, getting in at roughly 2:30am, waking up to see Little Jaxon's face was great! She was wearing her daddy's shirt from when he was little, it says " BEAST". It was too precious and we all got a good laugh out of it.

Jaxon, myself, and Mitchell ( daddy) were hanging out on the couch while momma was at the softball fields, danni was in the shower, and brandon and Bryan were sleeping. She kept messing with daddy's hat and so he put it on her, she is too precious!

Danni, myself, and Ali were at our old stompin grounds, ACU Softball Fields. It was nice going back there and think about the GOOD AND FUN memories that were made there. We had fun watching the game and just catching up and reminiscing about old times!

Jaxon got hungry during the game and I nominated Brandon to help feed her. I'm trying to get him comfortable around babies. Not like I'm trying to drop hints or anything :) hahaha...no babies for a while, promise. I love this picture because Jaxon is looking up at Brandon like, ummm HELLO... I can do this myself.

JD, Danni, Ali, and myself all got together for a picture just like the good ole days. JD had just gotten done with their first game of the day, they won, wahoo! Please excuse me and my shirt, I look pregnant, but I AM NOT!

I love this picture of Jaxon, it's not a real clear picture but Jaxon was eating Chicken Noodle Soup ( gerber baby food) and she was a HOT MESS during the process, but it was too cute! she went to town on her lunch that day at Chicken Express.

Jaxon got so messy at Chicken Express, daddy took her top off. She is trying to cover up her little fluffies so no one would see! I call this picture BABIES GONE WILD! She was a good sport about being 1/2 naked in public.

Mitchell told me that Jaxon's new favorite thing is taking a bath. She doesn't need her little seat anymore so she goes to town in the tub. She was a shaker and a mover during her bath. She has a million toys in there and loved every single one of them.

Mitchell, Bryan, and Brandon all hanging out with their Eskimo hut. These boys are absolutely hilarious when they get together. We figured out that Brandon and Mitchell are long lost twins. I was sitting on the couch and kept looking at each of them and kept noticing similarities. Pretty funny.

It was the girls turn to get a picture, Danni and I with Eskimo hut and JD stuck with water this time around. She was our driver and wanted to be safe around little Jaxon...she is such a good mom!!!

One big happy family! This picture was taken with my auto-timer on the bed of Bryan's truck. We took 3 different shots and this was the best one being normal. Don't ask me what is going on with my hands, I had to run over to my little slot and I guess that's where my hands landed, it definitely looks like the prom pose, haha.

Now this picture describes all of us quite well, I think. I love this picture because we are all doing something different. Brandon was yelling at me to tell me not to do a thumbs up cause he thought everyone else was being normal, boy was he wrong.
Thanks for such a great weekend Danni, Bryan, JD, and Mitchell. Love you guys!