Yesterday, May 19th was Brandon's birthday, 23rd birthday to be exact. Birthdays are not "big" in my family, they never have been- I am the only person in my family who thinks birthday's are a "big" deal. Brandon agrees with my families approach- "it's just another day"....I highly disagree. I try to make anyone who has a birthday that I know personally feel special in some sort of way. It's their day to be a diva, princess, queen, whatever they wish. For the past 3 birthdays that I have shared with Brandon I have tried to make it special for him. For his 21st birthday we , of course, celebrated the way a 21 year old would- use your imagination.For his 22nd birthday we went out and I got him some good gifts and of course wanted him to feel has special as possible. This year my company got 800 Astros tickets for the May 19th game, of course they were nose bleed seats but hey- free tickets right? Well I took Brandon to the game for his birthday, it was only fitting because he is a die-hard Astros fan and he was suprised to see this.......

If you look close, to the left of the Budweiser sign, it says " Happy 23rd Birthday Brandon Barron! Love, Kellianne". Brandon was suprised and loved it! You are probably wondering why I put his last name in the sign, well sometimes I worry about Brandon, he is clueless at times so I thought putting his last name in there would help he realize" OH THATS ME!"...ha ha, I still love him though!
So that was just a little gift that I got him following with a new pair of Oakley sunglasses and a new swimsuit. I told him he has all he needs for our honeymoon in Cabo, sunglasses and a swimsuit. Tomorrow, his family and my family are going to Bennihana to celebrate his birthday. Brandon pretty much is celebrating his birthday all week long. Friday we are going to see Randy Rogers in concert with our good friends Danni and Bryan McDonald. We are really excited about the concert!
I'm going to leave you with 2 more pictures from Brandon's Birthday.....

Here is my birthday boy posing in the nose bleed section with the field in the background, this was picture 3, he was getting a little annoyed :)

See the bald man with the jersey on ? "CUBSSUCK" ....aint that the truth? Well, technically they are in first place right now in National League but if you are an Astros fan, you will highly agree with this mans jersey!
Hope everyone is doing well and trying to stay cool, its getting hotter and hotter everyday!