Tuesday, April 8, 2008

wedding blues

This whole guest list for the wedding is killing me. Save the dates are killing me....when is this stuff going to be fun? haha- just kidding, it has been fun. While trying to juggle working M/W/F and going to school T/TR and planning a wedding, I'd say it's a little difficult. My mom has been busy herself so it's not like I could just shove this stuff to her and it would get done. Anyway, the save the dates should of been sent out MARCH 20TH, but that has been delayed. I've been having people ask me, " have you sent the save the dates yet, if so, I haven't gotten mine". See- I have people breathing down my back. I'm trying my best to get the save the dates out and the guest list done and finished, so bare with me people.

That's all I got :)


Lynn said...

OH GIRL...you are at the c.r.a.z.y. part. It will settle down, I promise. If I was closer I'd help. It's going to get done somehow, someway by someone.

Valerie said...

it'll all be worth it, kellianne.. those people asking for their save the dates are just excited about the wedding. don't let it get to you.. everything will fall into place.. no worries..

The Doty's Dish said...

k so the new blog is kick butt! Sooo cute...eskimo hut?! How exciting...and how jealous am I that y'all get to hang out all the time?! I know I was just there...but really y'all have way too much fun without me! Whatever I hope y'all get to come next week!